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Double Roll crusher melakukan peremukan dengan cara menjepit benda yang hendak diremukkan diantara satu buah roller yang dikenal dengan sebutan crushing roll. Alat ini terdiri dari 2 silinder (roller) dengan sumbu yang sejajar pada bidang horizontal yang sama.
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Roll Cooling Solutions. We provide products and services to help optimize your roll cooling process. Spray pattern and header placement analysis in roll stand and around rolls helps optimize cooling effectiveness.; Roll cooling headers ensure uniform cooling of entire roll.; Nozzles provide efficient cooling and proper alignment.
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Four-High: A 4-HI mill may be used for finish rolling of thin gauge stock. 6-HI roll inserts are also available for narrow width ribbon and foil products. Combination: A combination rolling mill is a versatile "two-in-one" type of metal rolling mill that permits both 2-HI and 4-HI rolling operations.
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