Mills 5 cent Token Bell Slot Machine. Mills had a good thing going with their High Top line of slot machines and they made good use of it. From 1947's introduction of the Jewel Bell High Top through the last of the High Tops in 1961, the Mills Novelty Co, now renamed Mills Bell-O-Matic Corporation, produced numerous versions of the venerable High Top.
25 50 100 250 All. Combined Estates AUCTION! Sat. Dec. 4th 10am Mio. Mills High Top Blue Bell >. 5 cent slot machine. 1960s Chicago Coin >. 10 cent Shuffle Bowling >. arcade machine.
Antique 5 Cent Mills Jewel Bell Slot machine in excellent original working condition. This original 1940s Jewel Bell slot machine, made by Mills Novelty Co, measures 25" high, 14" wide at the bottom and 14" wide. This hightop slot machine looks almost restored-like. Makes a great addition to your family room, den, or
The Mills Novelty Company Inc. manufactured slot machines, vending machines, automatic music machines and jukeboxes. Mortimer Mills received a patent for a coin vending apparatus in the early 1890s. The company's first upright slot machine was called the Mills Owl, introduced in 1897. This slot machine was housed in a late Victorian or ...
Fey had a collection of nearly 200 antique slots Mills machines from the 1906 Iron Case to the 1962 Compacts. These Mills machines and numerous others from contemporary manufactures are pictured in his collector's classic, Slot Machines, America's Favorite Gaming Device. Over 630 photographs, 504 in color.
1940s Mills Slot Machine: Mills 5c JEWEL BELL antique slot machine, 1946: Domino 3-reel Animated Dicer Coin Op Antique Slot Machine: Antique Watling Rol-A-Top Coin/dispenser 5c Slot Machine With Stand! Estate Find: Vintage Waco Casino Grand Large Toy Slot Machine Bank Japan 25 Cent 20 Tall: Earlier 1900's Mills Check Boy Slot Machine
The Chuck-A-Lette, De Luxe Vending Machine Co. Inc. Maguire Gum, Exhibit Supply Co. Big Broncho, Jentzsch & Meerz Puce, Ask Yogi Madam X, Williams Double Header Baseball Shuffle Alley, Groetchen Tool Co. Yankee, Peerless Co. Derby Race Horse, Mills Novelty Co. Puritan, Watling Manufacturing Co. Improved Cherry Bell, Cosmos Manufacturing Co ...
SLOT MACHINE - 1930s Mills Novelty Co. 25 cent Liberty Bell counter top slot machine with cast and painted front, stenciled oak sides on oak base, #213687, 25"H x 15 3/4"W x 14 3/4"D, good condition. ... [more like this] SLOT …
Mills Golden Nugget. Portland for sale by owner. « » press to search craigslist. 1939 Mills QT 'Smoker' Slot Machine-5 cent play-Near Mint Original $3,250 (sea North Seattle). Mills 5-cent FUTURITY antique slot machine, 1934 The FUTURITY is clearly the rarest of the Mills three-reelers. Few exist today because of the well known and documented ...
Slot Machine; Mills, High Top Jewel Bell, 5 Cent. A five cent Mills Jewel Bell High Top 3 reel slot machine. This was the first high top produced by Mills Novelty in the late 1930s and although the de... [more detail available via subscription] p4A Item D9677260
1948 Mills .10 Cent Jewel Bell 777 Slot Machine: all cleaned and lubed. was just painted. top and bottom front castings & back bonnet is a reproduction. original mechanism was taken apart and cleaned then put back together and greezed. has original back door with replacement lock and 2 keys. plays flawless. 1000.00. Cash Only.
Mills Novelty put a copyright date of 1910 under the jackpot bar which said Bell-Fruit-Gum on the reel strips. Mills Novelty kept that information on their reel strips well into the 1950's. Below is a close-up of the reel strips on a Mills 7-7-7 High Top slot machine we restored. The copyright date is clear, but this machine was made in 1949.
USA. 22 sets new antique slot machine reel... $95.00 USD. 22 sets new antique slot machine reel... $95.00 USD. USA. vintage Mills $0.05 Antique Slot... $1,950.00 USD.
Mills Novelty Co. released 671 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1896. The 5 most common machines by Mills Novelty Co. owned by VAPS members are (in order): Hi Top, Do-Re-Mi, Vest Pocket, Black Cherry Bell, and Bursting Cherry.
Antique slot machine quality Mint 1930's era 5 cent Antique slot machine quality Mint 1930&…. $1500. 14. Buy It Now. $1500. 13 watchers. Vintage 1990s IGT TRUMP TAJ MAHAL Full Sized 25 Cent Sl…. Vintage 1990s IGT TRUMP TAJ MAHAL Full S…. $1500.
Slot Machine Stand Ad placed on Jul 11, 2021. I have old tabletop machines, $.05, Mills Bonus and Pace Comet and looking for cabinet(s) stands to place them on. I'm in Chicago area so something i can pick up of course Thanks
MILLS SLOT MACHINE CASE 5-cent high-top SpecialMILLS SLOT MACHINE CASE 5-cent high-top Special Award 7-7-7 model red no internal mechanism. Height 26.25 inches. Five Cent Mills Cherry Front Slot MachineFive Cent Mills Cherry Front Slot Machine Five Cent Mills Cherry Front Slot Machine. Chicago, Illinois: Mills Novelty Co., ca. 1946.
1948 Mills .10 Cent Jewel Bell 777 Slot Machine all cleaned and lubed. was just painted. top and bottom front castings back bonnet is a reproduction. original mechanism was taken apart and cleaned then put back together and greezed. has original back door with replacement lock and 2 keys. plays flawless. 1000.00. Cash Only. trade in your antique slot machine working or …
Mills Antique Slot Machine: Original 10 Cent Black Cherry Bell. At ArtFactory, we have fully restored this Mills antique slot machine to working, museum quality collector standards. It is a Black Cherry Bell slot machine from the Mills Novelty Company circa 1930s-1940s.
Serial #335419 Nice 5 cent machine with older restoration by Chicago Slot Machine Co. This is not your common War Eagle and is NOT a reproduction. Out of fashion FOK vendor machines were sent to Rockola Mfg. to be revamped. Working machine with aftermarket cash box, original Mills door, lock and key. Has operators mark burned into both sides
Playing a vintage Mills One-Armed bandit slot machineI WILL BUY your vintage old Mills, Jennings, Caille, Pace and Watling Slot machine.I am a private collec...
Mills Blue Bell 5 Cent Slot Machine, Shows At Casino Rama Niagara Falls, Fast And Furious Slot, Leyendas Del Poker
MILLS BELL-O-MATIC presents the remanufactured Mills Classic Slot Machines. The Mills Classics are a collection of vintage slot machines beginning with the WAR EAGLE. The War Eagle was the first in the silent bell series which featured a smoother operating 20 stop mechansim and a 5 coin anti-slug escalator.
Product Description. Mills 5 cent Poinsettia Bell Slot Machine. Great working condition #0002.
1940s Mills High Top Jewel Bell 5 cent Antique Slot Machine | Gameroom Show. 1940s Mills High Top Jewel Bell 5 cent Antique Slot Machine. Vendor Machine. Machine. Machine Image. Party Theme. Pretty Design. Videos. Golden Star. Lime Bars. Dollar. Dollar Deluxe Cherry Bell Golden Star Slot machine 1940's | Gameroom Show.
Bright's Antique Slot Machine Restorations (703) 906-8389 3406 Burgundy Rd Alexandria, VA 22303-1230 ... 1948 Mills Jewel Bell 10 cent: 1938 Mills Castle Front 25 cent: 1949 Jennings Super Due Luxe Club Chief 25 cent: 1948 Buckley Cherry 10 cent: 1959 Mills 4 Crowns 5 cent:
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images; Cadet: Caille Bros. Co. 1936: Slot Machine / Bell: Cadet Bell: Caille Bros. Co. 1936: Slot Machine / Bell
Fey had a collection of nearly 200 antique slots Mills machines from the 1906 Iron Case to the 1962 Compacts. These Mills machines and numerous others from contemporary manufactures are pictured in his collector's classic, Slot Machines, America's Favorite Gaming Device. Over 630 photographs, 504 in color.
Mills Slot Machine Restoration on a Thumb Drive . A collector videotapes the complete restoration of a Mills Castle Front slot machine. It is an incredible amount of work, but the end result was an 8 hour video which documented the entire process.
Playing a nickel Mills One armed-bandit slot machine from 1940sI WILL BUY your vintage old Mills, Jennings, Caille, Pace and Watling Slot machine.I am a priv...