SIMINE Gearless mill drives A standard of reliability and efficiency for grinding From Norway to Zambia, from Mongolia to Chile – for over 30 years, mining operators all over the world have been counting on SIMINE Gearless mill drives. Their most important features include a small footprint and less weight than conventional drives.
20191028Technology company ABB has deployed six gearless mill drives in Panama resulting in the extraction of copper ore which is announced this month. Cobre Panama which spans 13 600 hectares is located 120 km west of Panama City in the Donoso district Colon province and 20 km from the Caribbean Sea coast.
next size Gearless Mill Drive, i.e. a 42ft mill. It is a dual design approach considering, on the one hand, the experi-ences Siemens made with Gearless Mill Drive (GMD) instal-lations over the past 40 years and, on the other hand, using computerized design tools calculating the system behavior where experience does not yet exist.
The gearless mill drives will be installed at Boliden's Aitik mine, located near Gällivare in northern Sweden, where they will power two new 38-foot autogenous grinding mills. At 22.5 MW each, the mill drives will be the most powerful in the world when they become operational at the end of 2009.
gearless mill drives,maximum availability and productivity. go gearless to meet your business objetives by exceeding standard availability targets in your grinding operations. abb's gmd is the most powerful mill drive system in the market to power semiautogenous (sag), ball and autogenous (ag) mills, this 'workhorse' for grinding operations combines a robust,.insurability …
Managing and monitoring gearless mill drives. Posted by Matrix on 15th December 2014. ABB has re-packaged its proven and tested service offering for gearless mill drives (GMD) remote diagnostic services with the launch of a newly created product package of two modules, GMDbeatTM and GMDfitTM. The basic module, GMDbeat, covers ABB's ...
Gearless motor drives are also known as "ring motors" or "wrap around motors." The motor consists of a large number of magnets placed circumferentially on the shell of the grinding mill. This is similar to the rotor of a conventional motor.
A Gearless Mill Drive (GMD) is a major investment for a plant, and a host of processes are dependent on its reliable performance. This makes its potential downtime one of the biggest risks any mining company faces. It's also one that can be mitigated and controlled through data and insights. Maximize availability and productivity
Throughout many years this function is standard for a Gearless Mill Drive now. However, to absolutely minimize the impact of a Frozen Charge the patented Frozen Charge ShakerTMis available to automatically break up the locked charge and to avoid the requirement of time consuming and costly mechanical measures to loosen the charge.
Gearless drive systems for conveyors or mills can simplify installation, increase machine efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, according to a company that's been a pioneer in the technology A Siemens gearless drive system powers a 6.5-km-long overland conveyor belt at the Antapaccay copper project in Peru. With
SIMINE Gearless Mill Drives is in inching mode, one rotation of the mill is all you need. The mill will achieve the exact an-gle that was preset by the operator, and it is not necessary to repeat the proce-dure. At the end of the inching operation, the SIMINE Gearless Mill Drives stops the mill with balanced charge, and with no
The reliability of large diameter, high horsepower ball mill is paramount when large production and minimum downtime is required. The 17 ft. x 56 ft. double compartment ball mill at St. Lawrence Cement Company has the first gearless drive built in North America and has the world's largest hydrodynamic bearings currently built and running.
Laguna Seca concentrator uses a SAG mill and three ball mills, all driven by gearless mill drive (GMD) systems. Table 1 gives an overview of the basic technical data of the installed drives. TABLE I. MILLS AND THEIR DRIVES IN THE LAGUNA SECA PLANT Equipment Drive Comments SAG Mill (Semi-autogenous Grinding) Quantity : 1 unit
Our reliable diagnostic system helps implement a cost-effective predictive maintenance strategy based on early detection of electrical and mechanical failures of gearless mill drives. Potential damage risks regarding stator winding insulation, rotor-stator air gap and rotor winding overheating are continuously monitored and acquired during operation.
For gearless drives, motor torque output at the maximum desired operating mill speed and ball charge volume has to be determined. Primary Mills: Torque Output (by Motor) vs Torque Demand (by Mill) For the purposes of this discussion, "drive speed" refers to the output speed of any mill drive system, whereas that of
Go gearless with ABB's mill and conveyor drives for more sustainable operations ABB's gearless mill and conveyor drives help operators save energy and achieve greater throughput with significantly lower costs when matched with advanced digital services The mining industry is at a critical point.
Gearless Mill Drive. Gearless mill drives Go gearless The gearless mill drive eliminates all mechanical components of a conven-tional mill drive system, such as ring-gear, pinion, gearbox, coupling,, These drive systems use slip ring motors and are started similarly using starting resistors, thereby limiting the inrush current Gearless Mill Drive Sales Rev Up.
mill load cascaded, meaning the operation is normal as expected and start-up is continued. If the actual value of the torque is still equal to the maximum value, a frozen charge condition exists and the Gearless Drive is switched off allowing the mill to safely oscillate. An alarm (via HMI) alerts the operator and informs about the cause of the
Gearless mill drive system (GMD) Maximum availability and productivity Go gearless to meet your business objetives by exceeding standard availability targets in your grinding operations.
Gearless Mill Drive (GMD), accionamientos sin engranajes para molinos ABB. MAYO 2009 7 mecánica, la eficiencia es mayor, la disponibilidad es más alta, teniendo a su vez ventajas medio ambientales. En la minería estos son temas muy importantes que conducen
Extracting Potential with Gearless Mill Drives and Gearless Conveyor Drives - Global Mining Review - May/June 2020 (English - pdf - Article) Conveyors: durable and continuous (English - pdf - Article) The benefits of modern drives (English - pdf - Article) Gearless drives for medium-power belt conveyors (English - pdf - Article)
World's largest geared drive – 2x8500kW – Wushan, China (operating) Among the many reasons that geared drives on large SAG mills are not favoured, is due to not having an efficient variable speed drive option (60 to 80% critical speed), which is required for process reasons.
Gearless conveyor drives Do more with less - go gearless Mine operators are challenged with moving more material on conveyors that may cover distances in the tens of kilometers and ascend steep gradients. To increase overall reliability, mining companies also want fewer transfer stations between conveyors, which may require wider and longer belts. | ABB ensures maximum throughput, highest availability and peak performance throughout the life cycl...
The Case for Going Gearless. July 2013 | Features. Gearless drive systems for conveyors or mills can simplify installation, increase machine efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, according to a company that's been a pioneer in the technology. A Siemens gearless drive system powers a. 6.5-km-long overland conveyor belt at the.
Gearless Mill Drives - Increased process availability, reliability and energy efficiency (English - png - Drawing) Gearless mill drive animation (English - mp4 - Movie) Go Gearless Gearless Mill Drives (English - pdf - Brochure) Ring-Geared Mill Drives - Flexible and smooth operation - Brochure (English - pdf - Brochure)
Gearless mill drives. Longer service intervals thanks to low-wear drive processes SIMINE Gearless mill drives' rpms can be tailored to your operations at any time, and are infinitely variable and uncomplicated. Whether manually or fully automatic – rpms can be adjusted to account for the proper-ties of the ore, resulting in significantly less
Paper held at SAG Conference 2011 - By S. Gaulocher (ABB), K.S. Stadler (ABB), Th. von Hoff (ABB), R. Veldsman (ABB), A. Fuerst (ABB) and J. Koponen (ABB): Gearless mill drives (GMDs) are the workhorse in the mineral processing industries, more specifically when it comes to grinding crushed ore and cement (in various production stages) in semiautogenous (SAG) …
Gearless mill drives Go gearless for highest availability, reliability, flexibility and efficiency. 2 GEARLESS MILL DES The gearless mill drive eliminates ring-gear, pinion, gearbox, coupling, motor shaft and motor bearings, used within a conventional mill drive system.