Double-disk grinding. Considered one of the "classic" grinding processes, double-disk grinding is performed when both sides of a workpiece must be ground so that both surfaces are exactly plane and parallel. The workpiece is not fixed for this process. Instead, it is loosely placed in the "nest" of the workpiece carrier.
Our lapping, honing, polishing, finishing, double disk grinding and quality inspection processes utilize state-of-the-art equipment and follow ISO 9001:2015 certification requirements. We provide custom solutions to fit your needs. Success Stories. Call For a Quote: (803) 684-9500.
We also do spot type grinding, so we welcome 1-to-1,000,000,000 parts. We maintain our own machine shop where necessary tooling is manufactured for our processing. Because we have many types of customers with a diversity of double disc grinding needs, we also keep a wide range of abrasives in our inventory to accommodate them.
DOUBLE DISK GRINDING. Double disc grinding is an operation where two abrasive wheels, parallel and facing each other, grind on opposite sides of a 2-dimensional part. The purpose of this operation is to enhance thickness, parallelism, and flatness tolerances especially for the 2-dimensional parts. Because the double disc grinding operation uses ...
The Best of Both Worlds –Precise Thickness Control and Superior Surface Finish With Double-Disc grinding technology, parts are passed, one or more times, between two counter-rotating grinding wheels. Double-Disc grinding removes material from both sides of the part simultaneously, providing surfaces that are flat and parallel in just one operation.
Double disc grinding is a fast, effective way to achieve flatness, parallelism, and squaring on smaller magnetic and non-magnetic materials. A wide assortment of parts are machined on double disc grinders such as stampings, blanks, and rings.
Double disc grinding is an effective means of grinding two-dimensional metal parts to uniform flatness and parallelism on both sides. In double disc grinding, the workpiece passes between two grinding wheels, contacting their flat sides rather than their faces. The twin grinding wheels remove material on both sides of the workpiece.
Double disc grinding combines high production and precise control of size, flatness, parallelism, or surface finish. Ryeco, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. Our quality system is considered part of our culture and is thoroughly and continually communicated to all within our organization. We are proudly committed to the highest ...
Generally, Double Disc Grinding is used for high productivity however production rates can vary greatly from over 40,000 parts per hour to just a few parts per hour depending on the disc grinders tooling configuration, part size, material, and stock removal. Here are a few points to consider when deciding if Double Disc Grinding may be a good fit for your application.
Double-disc grinding is an extremely efficient grinding process that uses abrasive wheels that oppose one another, grinding and removing equal amounts of stock from both sides of a blank. The result is a flat aluminum or stainless steel machine-ready blank with parallel tolerances to .0005" and finishes to 16 Ra.
Double Disc Grinding services offer a highly productive and accurate means for machining to-size parts with flat and parallel sides. In this grinding method, two opposed abrasive discs, each mounted on its own spindle, simultaneously grind opposite and parallel faces on …
Double Disc Grinding Services. Double-disc grinding is an extremely efficient grinding process that uses abrasive wheels that oppose one another, grinding and removing equal amounts of stock from both sides of a blank. The result is a flat aluminum or stainless steel machine-ready blank with parallel tolerances to .0005" and finishes to 16 Ra.
MACHINING PRINCIPLE: DOUBLE-DISC GRINDING Work pieces are machined on the double-disc grinding machine using a through-feed, plunge-cut or oscillation process, depending on the respective requirements. The compact and rigid machine configuration ensures the greatest level of component precision with the shortest transfer times.
Double-Disc grinding removes material from both sides of the part simultaneously, providing surfaces that are flat and parallel in just one operation. This technology can be used for effective yet efficient production of one-of-a-kind parts or millions of the same parts.
Our double disk grinding wheels deliver outstanding life, which optimizes grinding time cycles and provides consistency over the entire run of parts. Our grinding process also achieves optimum parallelism and consistent flatness for material that needs to be stacked or spot-faced during machining operations.
Double disc grinding is the process of grinding equal amounts of material off both sides of the part at the same time. This process works especially well for non-magnetic materials that cannot easily be blanchard or surface ground. All knife blades must be …
Double disk grinding Double-Disc Grinding is a highly efficient grinding method that reduces premachining costs up to 50% and provides dimensional tolerances, parallelism, and flatness to ±.0002″. Double-Disc Grinding uses two opposing abrasive wheels to simultaneously grind two sides of the material.
Double Disc Grinding іs thе removal оf material frоm а раrt wіth parallel surfaces. Тhе metal removal takes place оn bоth sides оf thе раrt simultaneously, wіth thе grinding occurring оn thе faces оf thе grinding wheels. Моst commonly, thе disc wheels аrе attached bу inserted nuts tо diametrically opposed horizontal ...
Double-disk grinding is another form of flat surface grinding. The double-disk process grinds both sides at the same time for economical high volume production. Double-disk grinding works well with all steel alloys, but unlike blanchard grinding or conventional surface grinding, double-disk does not employ a magnetic chuck so non-ferrous materials like aluminum, copper alloys, …
Double disc grinding is a highly efficient grinding method that reduces pre-machining costs up to 50% and provides dimensional tolerances to ±.0002″, parallelism to .0002″, and flatness to .0002″. Double disc grinding uses two …
Double-Disc Grinding is a highly efficient grinding method that reduces pre-machining costs up to 50% and provides dimensional tolerances, parallelism, and flatness up to ±.001″. (For even tighter tolerances, see our Surface Grinding process.) Double-Disc Grinding uses two opposing abrasive wheels to simultaneously grind two sides of the material.
Double Disc Grinding. Double disc grinding is a highly efficient grinding method that reduces pre-machining costs up to 50% and provides dimensional tolerances to ±.0002″, parallelism to .0002″, and flatness to .0002″. Double disc grinding …
Well, it's similar to surface grinding, but with a larger contact area between disc and work-piece. Disc grinders are available in both vertical and horizontal spindle types. Double disc grinders work both sides of a work-piece simultaneously. Disc grinders are …